BCCI Top Brass Sworn Into Office
By: Manuel Ferdinand de Erio

VP for Visayas Joe Ng inducting the officers of BCCI; Exec. VP Baby Collins, Sec. Dinah Ramiro, Treas. Tata Veloso and Auditor Eddie Uy.

Bohol’s business community’s top brass gathered last Wednesday, 19 April, for the 2006 Induction and Oath-Taking- of Officers and Members of the Board of Trustees of Bohol Chamber of Commerce and Industries, Inc. (BCCI) at the Grand Ballroom of Metro Centre Hotel and Convention Center, this city.

VP for Visayas Joe Ng inducting the officers of BCCI; Exec. VP Baby Collins, Sec. Dinah Ramiro, Treas. Tata Veloso and Auditor Eddie Uy.The induction and oath taking ceremony was graced by Vice President for the Visayas area Joe Ng, Region VII governor Robert Go, Philippine Chamber of Commerce and Industry (PCCI) secretary general Cris Frianeza who represented PCCI president Ambassador Donald Dee, who is also the special envoy of the President of the Philippines on Trade Negotiations.

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